Where Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science

A Psychedelic Experience With Your Mind, Breath, and Cacao

Nov 06, 2022

How often do you have an experience that's so mind-freeing, energetically purifying, and spiritually awakening that you come back to life with a new sense of confidence, peace, and unstoppability?

If you're like most people, probably not as often as you'd like! 

People often spend thousands of dollars or travel halfway across the world to have these kinds of experiences. 

Well, no matter where you are, I'd like to offer you the chance to have this kind of experience from the comfort of your own home.

For thousands of years, shamans and yogis have taught ways of accessing highly altered, transformational states of consciousness using just your mind or your breath. 

(I recently asked people who've had psychedelic experiences with plant medicines if they've ever had DREAMS in which they were in those same states of consciousness. They all said YES. Think about that... The fact that they could dream those states without any aid means that our minds are capable of producing any state imaginable WITHOUT the use of physical substances!)

If you're familiar with our Deep Dive Process, then you know that all sorts of transcendental, transformational, and even psychedelic experiences are available to us whenever we're willing to dive in. Earlier this summer we did a Deep Dive on a plant medicine combination (lavender, rosemary, and natural wood charcoal) that the Yaqui shaman I work with had had me explore.

Within 10 minutes of beginning, here's what people were saying:

"Energy is exploding throughout my body. All resistances in my body and mind are being blown away."

"It's completely opened my mind up to the cosmos. It feels like all resistance and blocks to simply being divine light are gone."

"There's a deeply liberating, purifying energy. It feels like the ultimate surrender of everything that no longer serves me."

"The top of my head is just gone. My 3rd eye is activated and I'm completely open to the cosmos."

"I feel the Holy Trinity. My body has been completely cleared. It's taken me into perfect balance and liberation."

"It feels like being connected to everything on the planet. I'm filled with overwhelming love, and there's a complete purification happening within me."

Note: that all happened just connecting energetically within the first 10 minutes.

We know that the energetic combination of these plants is POWERFUL, so here's what we're going to do next (and you're invited!):

A lot of people know that cacao can be a powerful heart-opener, healer, and medicine. But one of the things we've discovered this last year is that some of its most potent magic is in being a powerful AMPLIFIER and INTEGRATOR of other energies. I believe this is why the ancients added so many unique herbs to their cacao elixirs. Cacao helps you access other plant energies and integrate their wisdom into your body, heart, and mind.

So we're going to be doing a 3-day Shamanic Cacao Plant Medicine Intensive focused on alchemical-spiritual purification and liberation. We'll be using 100% organic cacao beans that have been blended with organic lavender, rosemary, and charcoal to help access incredible places of consciousness.

The energetic combination of these plants creates an explosive, psychedelic purification within you. The purifying energies will travel into the deepest, darkest places of your unconscious and help you purge those things that no longer serve you and have been keeping you stuck.

All spiritual people on some level know that they are capable of creating anything they truly want in life. You know deep down you're worthy of your heart's deepest desires. You know you can exist in states of such profound love, peace, and joy that it would move most people to tears. The problem of course is, you don't always know what gets in the way of all that. You KNOW that the truth about you is that you are a Cosmic Being. You are Infinite Love and Infinite Possibility. But you don't know why you keep getting pulled back into the world of limitations and illusions.

Well, that's exactly what we'll be breaking through in this Cacao Intensive. You'll be learning to access places of such purification, potency, and power that you'll reenter the world anew. You'll Remember Who And What You Really Are as you break free of the past and those things that no longer serve you.

For those that join, I recently acquired a professional chocolate melanger, and I'll be sending you 6 hand-crafted, alchemical cacao elixirs, 1 for each of the Deep Dive ceremonies we'll be doing over the 3-day intensive. There will be morning and evening ceremonies, all recorded, and you can join live or catch the replays and go as deep as you'd like.

We'll be combining breathwork, meditation, and Deep Dive sessions throughout the intensive to create a safe but powerful container in which to undergo deep healing and purification. We'll be weaving in shamanic dieta practices to truly create an otherworldly immersion from the comfort of your own home. You don't need to spend thousands of dollars travelling across the globe to get the clarity and guidance you need to take your life to the next level. You can learn to access the most mind-expanding states imaginable... from your living room.

In addition to the Deep Dive sessions and various alchemical group processes, I'll also be sending you ingredients and instructions for 3 shamanic bath ceremonies incorporating the plants we'll be working with. These bath ceremonies are powerful experiences on their own which will add another level of transformation, healing, and depth to the experience.

If you're called to work with these plants and to truly release what no longer serves you, come join us! Register at the link below.

Love, peace, and miracles,


PS - The formal dates for the intensive are November 26 - 28. You can join us live or participate via the replays any time through the end of the year.



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