Where Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science
How often do you have an experience that's so mind-freeing, energetically purifying, and spiritually awakening that you come back to life with a new sense of confidence, peace, and unstoppability?
...Did you know that humans are the only beings on this planet that experience lack? That's because lack doesn't actually exist. It's an idea that society made up, and it may be the single greatest...
One of the qualities of your True Self is that you are already and have always been free.
Think about it. When you were born, did you have any limits? Were you an introvert or an extrovert? Were...
Episode 1: Embrace Your Oneness With All Things
This is an early release of Episode 1 of the upcoming podcast: Sacred Warriors Rising.
Have you ever experienced an altered state of consciousness inside a dream? If so, then you already know that your mind is capable of accessing some of the most profound states of consciousness...
Cinnamon can change your life. I know that's kind of a weird thing to say, especially if you're like me and you've been eating cinnamon in all kinds of foods for a few decades or more. How powerful...
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